Alongside design & type we have considerable experience programming and technology consulting for other designers and studios.

For more info feel free to message

Our main technology related services:

Web development
Front-end & Back-end programming for fully custom interactive websites. Primarily we use Kirby CMS for the projects. Other PHP based software (Laravel, DokuWiki) when projects require it.

We like TailwindCSS, Svelte, Vue & Alpine.js. React not so much.

Small ecommerce projects using Shopify API / Snipcart. We currently don't do Shopify themes.

We don’t work on Wordpress sites.

Creative coding
All kinds of image generation processes and fun stuff.
 Indesign scripting + automation, mass PDF generation for print, maps, data-viz, Processing and custom tools for graphics + automation.

This is fun and we love doing it so don't be afraid to ask.

Some of the clients we worked for over the years:

Anymade Studio, CCEA MOBA, Kolektiv Studio, Laura Papa, mmcite+, Moravian Gallery, Romy Strasser, Studio Es,, Vice Czech